National Fellowship for Born Again Churches
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It is with great joy that I welcome you to National Fellowship Born Again Pentecostal Churches of Uganda website. NFBPC is a national umbrella network of over 22,000 mainly Pentecostal churches and Para-church organizations. It was registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (non-profit making), and a premier network of indigenous Pentecostal institutions in Uganda. NFBPC is not ecumenical or interfaith in belief or practice, and is non-denominational and politically non-partisan. NFBPC helps its members with ideas to grow both spiritually and physically to fulfill the Great Commission.
We are delighted to share with you some information about us and hope that you find it helpful. NFBPC exists for the glory of God. As Ministers of the gospel we are made expressly to be in Fellowship with one another and to recognize Jesus as the Lord as one who called us.
We strive to bring God glory through loving one another and praying together, preaching God’s word, loving Him.
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