Lira University
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Lira University is located on a plateau with an excellent and inviting panoramic view of the vast expanse of land in the surrounding countryside of Ayere 2 & a half km of Kampala-Lira road.
Lira University was established as a Public University by Statutory Instrument 2015 No. 35, July 8th 2015 to expand equitable higher education in the country.
The University has the following departments namely:
- Central Administration.
- Academic Registrar.
- Library and Information Services
- Dean of Students.
- Public Administration.
- Business Administration.
- School of Nursing and Midwifery.
The main objectives of half year revenue performance in the FY 2013/14
- To plan for the Faculties, Programmes, Courses and physical infrastructure development.
- To design, develop and refine the curricula for the various programmes that will be mounted.
- To construct lecture halls, laboratories, library and office accommodation and sport facilities.
- To procure laboratory equipment and machinery, furniture and office equipment.
- To recruit and pay salaries and allowances of the core staff needed to initiate the operations of the University College.
- To recruit and pay salaries and allowances of the academic staff who will mount the new programmes.
- To admit undergraduate students to the initial three programmes envisaged to be mounted by the college.
- To support Students’ Guild activities.
- To procure essentially needed scholastic materials.
- To procure a 67 seater Bus for Students.
Our Vision:
A Beacon Centre for Applied Sciences and Technology.
Our Mission:
To provide access to Quality Higher Education, research and Conduct Professional Training for the Delivery of appropriate services directed towards Sustainable utilization of Biodiversity for Community Transformation.
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