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Peacock Paints

Added by Richard Busingye

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Peacock paints limited was founded in August 1988 by Mr.Kaddu Kiberu.It started it’s operations on plot 95,6th street Industrial Area, equipment and premises formally owned by Kwality paints Limited. At the time of its founding, most of the paints sold and used in Uganda were all imported from our neighbors in Kenya, Uganda was just recovering from the political turmoil of the early 1980s thus construction activities in the country depended on imported materials.

Having overcome a number of challenges at that time, Peacock Paints Limited moved to premises owned by a sister company on plot 56,6th street Industrial Area. Peacock Paints Limited has continued to serve the market with new products to suit the demands of the market in different service sectors to date.

Our Vision

To be the leading paint and coating manufacturer in the East African Region

Mission Statement

We focus at customer satisfaction through extending relevant product knowledge, offering good quality and standardized products at competitive and affordable rates.

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